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Robot Vacuum WiFi Troubleshooting – What You Need to Know!

Robot vacuums like Roomba are becoming increasingly popular. These devices allow homeowners to clean and maintain their homes with ease. However, these products can run into connectivity issues and malfunctions.

Your robot vacuum may not be operating correctly due to the WiFi strength. Some vacuums need 2.4GHz connections, while others need 5GHz. Your vacuum may also be dropping the signal due to your router placement, dead zones, and obstructions.

So, if turning it off and back on again didn’t work, what are you supposed to do? Fortunately, we’ve figured out how to troubleshoot your robot vacuum connectivity issues for you. Here’s everything you need to know.

How to Connect My Robot Vacuum to WiFi

Robot vacuum cleaner on wood, laminate floor

These steps will differ depending on your make and model. However, most robot vacuums operate in a similar manner. For the best results, be sure to read all instructions and guidelines before beginning.

Step One: Determine Your WiFi Strength

Depending on the type of robot vacuum and house you have, you may need to use different WiFi settings. Some vacuums need 2.4GHz, while others need 5GHz. Typically, bigger homes will need 2.4GHz, as it works better at longer distances. 2.4GHz is a good standard and works for most vacuums.

Step Two: Download the App

After you’ve figured out the type of WiFi you have and or need, you can download your vacuum app. Typically, you’ll find the app through either the Apple Store or Google Play Store. Ensure both your mobile device and vacuum are compatible before purchasing to avoid unnecessary headaches.

Step Three: Verify that Bluetooth Is On

After you’ve downloaded the app, you’ll need to verify that your Bluetooth settings are on. Typically, the app will walk you through this process. This may also be an excellent time to figure out any other specific settings you may or may not need.

Step Four: Connect to WiFi

Now you can connect your robot vacuum to your WiFi network through the app. Typically, you’ll need your WiFi network’s name and password for a proper connection. If you’re having issues, try restarting your WiFi, vacuum, or device before connecting.

Step Five: Activate

Once you’ve downloaded the app and connected to the WiFi, you can activate your vacuum. There may be a few additional steps or pop-ups during this part of the process. Be sure to read all instructions and guidelines for the best results.

Connectivity Issues with My Robot Vacuum

One issue consumers often run into with robot vacuums is connectivity issues. Many of these vacuums require WiFi connections to operate appropriately. When there are issues with the signal, your vacuum won’t function correctly. Here are some of the reasons your vacuum may be acting up.

WiFi Connectivity

One of the main reasons your vacuum could be malfunctioning is due to the WiFi connection. Be sure you’re properly connected to your network, you have the correct password, and that the vacuum indicator lights are turning on. You can also try restarting your mobile device to see if that helps.


Your vacuum may be the problem instead of your internet connection. Make sure all of the indicator lights on your vacuum are turning on and working correctly. Restart your vacuum if necessary. Additionally, you can restart your other devices to see if that helps.


Another reason you’re having connection issues could be due to the router. Most routers use two frequency bands, 2.4GHz and 5GHz. These devices are known as dual-band routers. Nearly all robot vacuums prefer 2.4GHz.

To determine whether or not your router is dual-band:

  • Search for your model on your manufacturer’s website.
  • Determine the SSID name. If there are two networks being broadcast, it’s generally a dual-band model.
  • If there are duplicate SSID names, confirm that the MAC address corresponds to the WiFi access point.

Be sure to read all instructions and guidelines before beginning. When in doubt, you can contact your router’s company directly to get more information.

Firewall Issues

Some vacuums may be blocked by firewalls and other security features. Be sure to check your router’s settings and connections. Here are the ports that should be open or whitelisted:

  • 80 (HTTP)
  • 443 (HTTPS)
  • 53, 55055 and 55056

Be sure to read your router’s instructions and guidelines for the best results. You can also contact your router’s customer support line for help directly.

Restart Your Devices

When in doubt, restart or reboot your devices. Try restarting your phone, vacuum, and router one by one. Give each device 30 seconds before restarting to ensure it has had time to settle.

Can Robot Vacuums Connect to 5GHz?

There are only a few robot vacuums that can connect to 5GHz networks. Roomba is one of these brands, but they can be out of many consumers’ price points. Additionally, 5GHz may not be the best connection option. This is because the range is shorter on 5GHz than it is through 2.4GHz.

Why Does my Robot Vacuum Keep Dropping the WiFi Signal?

Vacuum cleaner robot on laminate wood floor

If you have a robot vacuum, it may have lost connection or repeatedly have connectivity issues. This problem can be incredibly frustrating for homeowners all over the globe. Your vacuum may be dropping the WiFi signal due to the network’s strength, your router placement, or dead zones.

WiFi Strength

If your vacuum keeps dropping your WiFi signal, it may be the WiFi signal itself. Your WiFi signal may not be strong enough or reach far enough to power your vacuum. Try using a 2.4GHz connection and check the app for connectivity issues.

Router Placement

Your router placement could be another reason your robot vacuum is repeatedly dropping the WiFi signal. Try placing your router centrally or closer to where your vacuum drops the signal.

Dead Zones

Large metal objects, other obstructions, and poor router placement can lead to dead zones. To alleviate this issue, use your phone to search for dead zones around your house.

You can also move the router closer to the area where your vacuum is losing connection. Even a slight adjustment of the router can yield significant results.

Do Any Robot Vacuums Clean Without WiFi?

As you’ve probably guessed, not all robot vacuums are created equal. Some come with better features and compatibility than others. Some of these vacuums can even clean without a WiFi connection.

Roomba vacuums can clean without a WiFi connection. However, you will have to set up and activate this feature beforehand. Once you’ve configured these settings, you can easily follow the steps provided.

  • Tap the “CLEAN” button on the vacuum, and the robot will begin to work as expected.
  • Use the “SPOT CLEAN” button on the vacuum for a specific area.
  • After the area is cleaned, select the “HOME” button to allow the vacuum to return to the home.

Be sure to start your cleaning session on the home base. Otherwise, your vacuum won’t return to its charging base, resulting in it dying early. Keep in mind if you aren’t connected to the internet, you’ll lose some of your vacuum’s features and capabilities. For instance, you may not be able to see or track past schedules and reports.